Survival Seeds

Thursday, July 22, 2010

Our new best friends - Otter Box and Rice

I promise you will understand the title more here in a bit. I am going to explain to you why everyone who has a cell phone must keep rice around.
My husband and I have had cell phones for years. He is rougher on them than I am and he ruined his last phone. He will say that it isn't totally ruined, we just need to charge the battery in my phone since his phone won't charge it! But it isn't ruined....
I went to renew our contract and had all sorts of issues. I wanted to come home with two iPhones. We wanted 16GB. We ended up after a day of hassles coming home with ONE iPhone 3G S 32 GB. We also paid more but he now has a phone. The issues that I had are a whole other post that I may or may not do. We will be able to get the second home in a couple weeks and then we will both be happy. But I digress...
When I got the phone I also bought an Otter Box case to put on it. As I said before, Mister can be rough on phones. As I was paying I was thinking "this $50 case better be worth it and protect this phone. I can't believe that I am paying this much for a PHONE CASE." This conversation kept going with myself as I was walking out to the car. I took the phone home and after some other issues that had to be resolved Mister has a new white iPhone 3G S. On Saturday we went to watch some friends of ours weigh in at a fishing tournament. While walking from the dock to the bank my husband, who can't be bothered to slow down and wait for 3 seconds, hits the phone on one of the poles that is supporting the hand rails on the ramp. I hear the sound of something hitting the ramp and then KER-PLOSH!!!!! I look down and see my husbands one day old phone settling in 8 inches of water at the edge of the bank. I am yelling at him to get the phone (I won't use the actual language that I used, it wasn't the best) and when he got down and grabbed it, the phone was still on. On a side note, as I was running up the ramp, I got stung by something on the bottom of my foot. Back to the phone, we took the case off and stuck it in the warm car to try and dry out. Because of the $50 Otter Box there were 3 spots that water could get in, the speaker at the top that you hear out of and the two speaker that are at the bottom that you talk into or the noise comes out of when it is on speaker phone. The Otter Box has sealed everything else up so that the damage was minimal. We go finish watching the weigh in (our friends won!) and then went home. The phone had gotten too hot in the car so we had to wait for it to cool down. Then we noticed the biggie - condensation on the lens of the camera, on the back of the phone. We pulled the sim card our but didn't close it totally back, so that moisture could still get out and be absorbed. I then went and got what would become our best friend - RICE!!! We put the phone in a quart sized bag, put the rice in the bag sealed it up and let the rice do its work. The next day there was no condensation on the lens and the phone has worked wonderful since. I am just thankful that it worked!
The moral of the story is that 1) always keep rice on hand to absorb the liquid out of electronics and 2) that $50 spent on an Otter Box case is well worth it in the end!

I am in no way being compensated by Otter Box, Minute Rice or any other company. But I am getting another phone soon and will be putting an Otter Box on it so if they would like to send me a pink one that would be fine! The opinions expressed are solely my own opinions and I didn't receive anything for the opinions that were stated.

1 comment:

Dawn said...

Sadly the rice didn't work recently for my friend. Her 3 year old somehow got her iPhone wet and nothing worked. She now has a new 4G though. Ha!

I'm happy yours worked after the rice. You are very fortunate. Phone cases are worth the money. I'm always amazed at how many people don't use any case at all.