Survival Seeds

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Picher more

Since I was in middle school I heard about how bad Picher was. How the chat had affected everyone and how they were going to have to move. Picher was named the number ONE superfund site in the United States. This was amazing to me and until I was out of school I didn't realize the impact that this was on the community. Growing up in a community who competed with Picher in sports I am sad to see the ending. They have spread the kids out between two schools. I know that this will be hard on them. The members of the community are lost and don't know exactly what to do. Hoppy Ray is just one of those who is "lost in between" and you should really read his story. As of June 30, 2009 the school district is gone. They took what was needed for the other schools and then auctioned off the rest. For a town that was one booming this is such a sad ending. I know that this is a sad blog but I feel for those who have had to deal with all the problems and issues. This site is amazing and gives some good history and pictures. For this town to have to deal with the government over the buyout and then May 2008 to get hit by a tornado, and they are still surviving. The spirit is strong and will survive - even if the town that Jack built is gone physically- the spirit will live on.

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