Survival Seeds

Saturday, April 24, 2010

I Will Carry You - Angie Smith

I found Angie's blog about a year and a half ago and wept while I read about the trials that they had been through. This baby was originally due on my birthday, her first name is my middle name. The similarities were so strange but touched me also. I was asked what I wanted for Christmas and told my husband that I wanted Angie's book. I pre-ordered it and waited patiently impatiently for it to be released. I received it early and jumped for joy. I sat down and read it in one sitting. The story was the same story that I read on the blog but so much more. I was so touched and would recommend this book for everyone. Please go and buy this and let it touch you.
Product Description (from Amazon)
In 2008, Angie Smith and her husband Todd (lead singer of the group Selah) learned through ultrasound that their fourth daughter had conditions making her “incompatible with life.” Advised to terminate the pregnancy, the Smiths chose instead to carry this child and allow room for a miracle. That miracle came the day they met Audrey Caroline and got the chance to love her for the precious two-and-a-half hours she lived on earth.
Upon receiving the original diagnosis, Angie started a blog (Bring the Rain) to keep family and friends informed of their journey. Soon, the site exploded in popularity, connecting with thousands who were either experiencing their own heartbreaking situations or simply curious about how God could carry someone through something so tragic. I Will Carry You tells the powerful story of a parent losing her child, interwoven with the biblical story of Lazarus to help those who mourn to still have hope—to find grace and peace in the sacred dance of grief and joy.

"This is a beautiful and tender book that would touch any woman's heart, no matter her age or realm of experience. It is about a relationship so intimate with God that it carves a safe place for crises of faith, for faith proved genuine and for divine callings willed, sealed and fulfilled. Yes, this is one mother's moving story. This one mother also happens to be a true writer. We will hear more from her. Angie, I am so proud of you. May Christ continue to tip the ink jar toward your gifted quill."

- Beth Moore
Bestselling author and speaker

About the Author
Angie Smith is the wife of Todd Smith (lead singer of Dove Award winning group Selah) and author of the popular blog entitled Bring the Rain. She holds a Master’s degree in Developmental Psychology from Vanderbilt University and lives with her husband and daughters in Nashville, Tennessee.

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